Agnieszka Couderq`s book announcement!

A historical novel recounting the extraordinary adventures of Michael Boym will be published in October!

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Biographical note
The author is a Polish-American currently living alternately in Warsaw and Los Angeles. Growing up initially in communist Poland, she came to the United States in 1980 as a teenager and graduated with a degree in geophysics from the Colorado School of Mines in Colorado. Shortly after receiving her degree, she contracted cancer with minimal chance of survival. This experience of immediate death at a young age had a profound impact on her. It defined her entire life, creating a lens through which she looks at all its twists, turns, ups and downs, and drew her very early on to the issues of faith and suffering. As an avid reader with a history of reading a variety of books written by authors living on many continents, she developed her writing skills over the years, creating children`s stories and poetry, but it wasn`t until she encountered the story of Michael Boym while studying Sinology that she felt the strength to write a novel with an eye toward publication. Having lived in many countries and cultures, she has learned to appreciate them. She tries to get to know them in depth and does so primarily by learning their languages. For this reason, she is fluent in Polish, English, French, Spanish and Chinese and has a good understanding of Russian. The book she has written is the essence of her life experiences and reflections.