Abstract: This article has studiedt he Jesuits Andreas Koffler and Michael Boyam at the Court of the Yongli Emperor. First, the author has studied the Conversion of Rulers in Europe and Asia and has introduced the Sources, based on which the present study is. Then, the auhor has studied the Southern Ming and the Yongli Emperor. The following continues a
study on Andreas Wolfgang Koffler, which includes the early life of the Jesuit Andreas Wolfgang Koffler and the
conversion of the Yongli Emperors family, and Kofflers further fate. Also Michał Boym is studied, and it includes the
early life of Michał Boym, and Michał Boyms delegation to Rome.
Article can be found at the link: https://tuhat.helsinki.fi/ws/portalfiles/portal/139885728/IJS_17_Collani_The_Jesuits_Andreas_Koffler_and_Michael_Boymat_the_Court_of_the_Yongli_Emperor.pdf